Virtual Issue: Pollinator Ecology

The British Ecological Society has just published a ‘virtual’ journal issue on pollinator ecology, with all articles free to download for any reader, regardless of whether you have subscription access to the society. The articles are drawn from all five of the BES journals and cover all sorts of topical issues to do with honey bee health and biology, pesticide impacts and how management processes impact pollinators in agricultural landscapes.

And if this virtual issue isn’t enough for you, the Journal of Pollination Ecology is another permanently ‘open access’ peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles covering lots of different aspects of the wonderful world of pollination.

So click on the links to read the latest research on what modern life as a pollinator involves!



5 thoughts on “Virtual Issue: Pollinator Ecology

  1. Charles January 28, 2014 / 9:07 AM

    Thanks for the heads up Manu & have a great 2014


    • manuelinor January 28, 2014 / 9:22 AM

      No worries, and same to you!


  2. Emily Heath February 9, 2014 / 8:31 AM

    Lots of great stuff in that virtual issue, thanks!


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